My favourite!

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Winnie & Ray Wedding Reception 17 Dec 2011

Winnie 有一股傻大姐般的性格。我喜欢这种个性,因为无论在什么时刻,都能轻松的面对任何问题。在晚宴当天,一班银行的同事兼老死尽情地享乐,令当天的晚宴更热闹!~ 当然呢,要非常感谢Winnie 的信任,才能为他们主持他们的晚宴~!

地点:Berjaya Times Square
 当我收到Winnie的Feedback时,真的令我非常感动啊~!谢谢你My dear~!^^
Sharing Moments….

My family, especially my dad did mention few times about you, he said you “pandai cakap”, he thought you are professional paid Emcee, I told him you are my friend who are invited to join and be my special emcee on my wedding dinner. So, for me, and behalf of my family’s opinion, you will become a very successful & professional emcee:
  1. You are confidence when you on the stage and talk (because you knowing what’s going on and you know what should say)
  2. You look charming and when you smile, is true, you warm the audiences. 
  3. When there are two or more speakers suddenly “muncul” in the program/ or on the stage, you know how to work with each other (even no practice/ rehearsal before) to keep the ceremony going / moving smoothly.
  4. You always prepare well and take others opinion to make the event/ ceremony schedule perfect and no boring, no “miss out” section.
  5. You always look happy and make the crowd enjoyed and feel having a good time.
  6. You’ve successful keeping the event-my wedding dinner ceremony running on time. Thank you so much, my dear Jess Lew~ hehe….^^

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